NSW Government Launches Psychological Health & Safety Strategy

The New South Wales Government launched a plan aimed at helping employers manage psychosocial risks and protect their workers from psychological harms.

The SafeWork NSW Psychological Health and Safety Strategy 2024-2026 outlines how the workplace regulator will support employers to manage risks and comply with their duty to prevent psychological harm in NSW workplaces.

This NSW Government strategy is backed by $5.6 million over the next two years to deliver workplace mental health programs for small and medium businesses through the Black Dog Institute and Transitioning Well.

The programs are targeted at small businesses, which make up the bulk of employers in NSW and generally have less capability and fewer resources to manage mental health and protect psychological health at work.

Workplace mental ill health is estimated to cost Australian businesses up to $39 billion each year due to lost participation and productivity.

Workplace leaders know that if the mental wellbeing of workers is protected, they will want to stay, and these workplaces will keep their top talent.

New initiatives as part of the 2024-2026 strategy include:

  • practical tools, resources and webinars to help businesses.
  • the translation of all resources to reach and support culturally and linguistically diverse workers – a high risk worker category for psychological injury.
  • building capability across SafeWork NSW’s inspectorate and conduct compliance visits in high-risk workplaces.
  • creating industry forums whose role is to identify psychosocial hazards in the relevant industry.

SafeWork NSW consulted with many stakeholders during the development of the strategy, including workers, health and safety professionals from government agencies, unions and business.

For more information visit the Psychological Health and Safety Strategy 2024-2026.